The story of the Vampire did not start in Transylvania, Romania, no it goes back to Egypt around time of the great pyramid. At one time man prayed to Angles they also had a form of writing to communicate with them. The World at this time was much more simple if you needed Love, Power or Wealth you prayed for it. You see Angles exist on a dimension closest to man but they are in a direct link to God. I don’t know if you know this or not but Angles aren’t those fuzzy warm creatures that we see everywhere we go. Oh No; They are Warriors’ for God to do his bidding. It is said that Michael the Arc Angel can strike his enemy’s down before they can think of doing him harm.
So what do Angles have in common with Vampires? The story goes that a decedent of Adam who’s name is not written and his Army did battle with Nod and badly was defeated. It was also advised that his oldest Son was killed in this battle. In anger he struck a deal with an Angel and asked for revenge. When he realized the power of the spell could not be used for evil, he cursed God then desecrated a Temple with his own blood. When he died the town folk noticed blood oozing out of crucifix in the Temple. The small town went up in arms over deciding if he was evil or divine and weather or not to bury him in the cemetery. The story advised that the town was split in two. After a day and a night the body was smuggled out of the town and put on a Ship leaving forever lost to the coming night.
The body of the descendent of Adam was taken to a place called Atlántida that I believe is Atlantis but there is much debate over this. The body was to be destroyed by fire but during a disturbance in the town it was confused with another body. The body was sealed in a tomb out side the city. The story advised that the Angles went to war over this and one of them was banished to earth holding true to the old ways. It was said that truly holy persons body remains life like after death, and also the body smells like roses through out a holy place. Because of the spell the body did not decay or rot. The Angel that was banished to Earth came to the tomb to retrieve the spell. This backfired and the descendent of Adam was returned to life as a dragon or Vampire and became one of the plagues’ that destroyed Atlántida.