The decided divided quarter centigrade of the decent to level 5. No quarter shall be given none who willingly enter no mans land and become day walkers. Shall we believe in nothing and condemn our quest for souls that gave us our peace. This thing we share is an appetite of hidden meanings of life concealed in bloods hemoglobin. A most deadly, wickedly touch we give to our host to send them on there way after penetrating the human shell. There is a deep, dark virus that lives in our saliva it starts the divide as it consumes human white blood cells. Then and only then the magic becomes the situation as life is born in death creating the Vampire. The spirit of the Wolf tells us we must hunt again and again to know a hidden code in blood that enters through our fangs then flows through are veins. The reverse beat of our hearts fuels our uncommon, inhuman strength. The sensation of creation shall divide and become the serenity of one divided now born into darkness as one lost, hence the Vampire.
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