Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are You A Believer?

The Vampire myth, legend always starts at a place in Romania called Transylvania. This place was home to one of the most ruthless rulers through out history we know him today by Dracula (meaning dragon). Dracula’s real name was Vlad, Tepes and he ruled Transylvania in medieval times when he built the famous Castle Dracula. Transylvania is in the center of Romania surrounded on three sides by the Carpathian Mountains. Vlad would instruct his army to impale (to run a spear through someone alive and stand it up in the ground supporting the body) all his enemies along the path to Transylvania He would sit amongst the dieing and lob Bread into the blood and eat it. Vlad once took several family’s and instructed the Fathers watch their Wife’s and Children impaled in front of them. He then had his army march them up to and build Castle Dracula.

We all know the mythological Dracula in the movies today the one that can`t bare to look at sunlight or a cross. He is repelled by Garlic and killed by driving a stake through his heart. But did you know that stories in Transylvania about Vampires and most of their powers and weaknesses have been told for 100`s of years.
The story of Dracula was written by Bram Stoker though he did much re search on the Castle Dracula and the Romanian demographics he didn’t make up anything at all, it was there for the taking. Evil is the nosferatu, or vampire who lies in the land beyond the forest and by your own freewill let into your life forever bound to his power. Millions of people journey to Romania to experience the castles and the beautiful landscape beyond the blackest forest.

1 comment:

  1. I think some of the girls I know are from this place. This is a cool article.
